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“The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness! No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.” Matthew 6:22-24 The physical eye, like the spiritual eye, reflects the state of the heart, respectively of the spirit. If we keep our hearts full of the peace and love of Jesus, living in obedience to the Lord, our eyes are full of light. When we have healthy, perfectly functioning eyes, they flood our entire body with the light of truth. And if our body is led by light, it means that our actions will also be pleasing to God. But if someone has sins for which they have not asked for forgiveness and love what is bad, not what pleases God, it means that the light of Jesus is no longer in their heart, and darkness has taken over. The physical eye, which does not aim at what pleases the Lord and seeks the pleasures of this world, also begins to see what belongs to the kingdom of darkness, and as a result, the light begins to diminish until only darkness remains. Jesus even said, "how great is that darkness!" Why? Because the heart of the one who has had the light of the Lord, knows the truth, and yet has renounced the light, ends up in complete darkness. Next, the Lord explains more clearly that no one can serve or love Him and sin at the same time. When someone sins, they are actually serving the devil.
Every person chooses what they like to watch. Everyone's eyes are drawn to what they love and enjoy. If our hearts are full of Jesus and the desire to do the Lord's will, we avoid going where the Lord does not want us to go and looking at things that promote sin. We avoid magazines, books, pictures, TV programs, or Internet sites that are not clean and look for what Jesus would look at. The eyes of those who do not choose to behave this way will become "bad" because they look at what leads to evil and the price will be high. As the light in the heart fades and darkness takes over, the behavior and vocabulary of those who have chosen darkness over light will reflect their choices.
The word “breath” in the original Hebrew language means the “breath from God” that is in man, which is the “spirit” of man. So if the spirit is no longer a light of the Lord, because someone chose to let all kinds of bad things enter their heart through the eyes, the darkness reaches the “inner depths of their heart,” meaning that, it affects the whole body and there will be consequences. In conclusion, the eye can be interpreted as representing man's reasoning, judgment or his mindset on life. If we think soundly, according to biblical principles, without thinking about what our fallen human nature prompts, we can say that we have healthy or good eyes and live in the Kingdom of light. Thoughts centered on the truth, on the values of heaven, create a real state of well-being. It is true that living in this world we have many reasons to be upset and we must also think about what we don't like when we have to solve everyday problems. But we can choose to approach issues from a biblical perspective and ask God's counsel in prayer to make decisions that will keep us in the light. Whenever we follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, we think rightly, love what is good, and choose what is beneficial to us and those around us. Thus, the Lord finds His pleasure in us and we can be truly happy, because we do not serve the darkness, but only the true Light, Jesus Christ.
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