Relevant blogs about living as a Christian in the world today.
Without Jesus, there would be no Christmas. Jesus Christ is God’s gift to mankind. Many today have no idea what Christmas is really about and of those who know, some do not even care. The truth is that Jesus is the reason for the season: literally. It is more than social events, lights, parties, trees and ornaments, time off, food and gifts. One can have that anytime if wanted. Or take a winter holiday. But Christmas is about Jesus Christ. We celebrate our Savior, who was born humbly as one of us, who never sinned and gave His life so that we can live. He sacrificed Himself so that we could be born-again and be free from the dominion of the carnal nature, so that we can have true communion with Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Jesus left the splendor of heaven and brought the light to us. Let’s take a moment to appreciate how valuable and important light is. Light draws us. There are certain things in life that just draw us. A sweet baby cooing, beautiful water like a stream, lake or ocean and light, as in a fire. How many people can just sit and watch a fire burn? If you are in the dark, and you even see a shimmer of light, you will head for the light. Light compels us to it. We did not choose the Lord, He chose us and drew us to Him.
Light brings warmth. There is nothing like warmth when you need it. It is currently winter, and I put a heat lamp in our well-house to protect it from freezing temperatures. How wonderful is a sunny day with warm sunshine in the middle of winter? Or the warmth of the sunshine bringing the water temperature up so we can swim in a pool or at the beach?
Light dispels darkness. It is a fact. Depending on the strength of the light, darkness has to flee from it. Much of what is evil in the world, waits until the sun goes down to come out. Things really do creep in the night. But God. When His light enters a situation, no darkness can prevail against it.
Light illuminates. Who wants to stumble in the dark? Hallelujah for the illumination that light brings, whether it is physical light, mental light or spiritual light, light illuminates. Thank You Lord for Your light that shines in the darkness and keeps us safe. And how Your light, teaches us how to walk on the right path and shows us what agape love is and how to receive it and pass it on.
Without light, there is no life. This world could not go one second without light. The light of the sun is responsible for more than I could write in a book, how much more than I could put here. Everything on earth needs light to exist and live. Without the Lord, people just exist. But with the Lord, light and life come and the glory of the Lord comes upon us as His children.
Light is life. Darkness cannot produce life, and true life is only found in the light. Jesus is the light, and He is life. He came to deliver us from all darkness and bring us into His marvelous light. Truly.
The Light of the world is a person. And His Name is Jesus Christ, Son of God, Son of man, Emmanuel, Jehovah, Yahweh, Adonais, Lord God, Prince of Peace, Everlasting Father, El Shaddai, Jehovah Jirah, Creator and Keeper of all life and without Him there is no life.
From the Garden of Eden until today, for all of us, God has provided. We were bound in sin, lost and in dire need of a Savior. And Father God saw our need and made the way by sending His own Son, to become the Lamb that was able to take away the sins of the world. There was no other way, for none of us could ever be totally righteous on our own. We all fall short of the holiness required of the Lord and deserve the consequences of sin. But Jesus came as Redeemer and brought His glorious light into a dark world. Jesus, we celebrate Your birth and delivering us from darkness. You are the Light of Life and Light of the World. Outside of You, there is no light or life. Thank You for being our Light and our life. Lord Jesus, we adore You.
January 2025
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